Space & Astronomy
Space and Astronomy (October 1993).iso
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Text File
370 lines
Paul S. Hirose, 1991 Dec 31
User interface support functions for SEESAT satellite tracking program.
This file is in the public domain.
100 - 199
Library functions and #defines used in this file:
atof, atoi, isalpha, NULL, printf, strcmp, strcpy, strlen, toupper
#include "b:seesat.h" /* global header */
#if ECOC
extern void printf();
extern char *strcpy();
extern double atof();
/* Use 0 for normal operation. Non-zero will make static functions & data
externally visible for testing */
#define NSTAT 0
#if NSTAT /* test mode */
#define STATIC /* precedes static definitions of functions & data */
#define SC extern /* precedes declarations of static functions */
#else /* normal mode */
#define STATIC static
#define SC static
/*############################## DATA ##############################*/
struct month {
char *mname; /* month name */
int difm; /* days in full months */
/* calendar */
STATIC struct month calndr[] = {
{"JAN", 0}, {"FEB", 31}, {"MAR", 59},
{"APR", 90}, {"MAY", 120}, {"JUN", 151},
{"JUL", 181}, {"AUG", 212}, {"SEP", 243},
{"OCT", 273}, {"NOV", 304}, {"DEC", 334}, {NULL, 365}
/*################ FUNCTIONS LOCAL TO THIS FILE ################*/
SC void cpy0p(); /* strncpy() with leading 0 padding */
SC int leapyr(); /* returns 1 if arg is leap year */
/*############################## CODE ##############################*/
char *string;
/* Returns value (in minutes) of string of form "hhmm:ss.s...". Leading
minus sign permitted. */
double time;
char *ptr, c, buf[5];
int sign;
if (*string == '-') {
sign = -1;
} else
sign = 1;
ptr = string;
/* point to the colon (or terminating null if no colon) */
while ((c = *ptr) && c != ':')
/* process seconds */
if (c) { /* string had a colon */
time = atof(ptr + 1) / 60.;
*ptr = '\0'; /* turn ':' to '\0' */
} else
time = 0.;
cpy0p(buf, string, 5); /* buf[] = "hhmm" */
time += atof(buf + 2); /* add minutes */
buf[2] = '\0';
/* add hours, restore sign */
return (time + atof(buf) * 60.) * sign;
cpy0p(dest, src, n)
char *dest, *src;
int n;
/* Copy n-1 chars from src[] to dest[]. If src[] is too short, pad dest[]
with leading '0's. If src[] is too long, not all of src[] will be copied.
dest[] will always receive n-1 chars followed by null terminator. */
int i, len;
len = strlen(src);
for (i = n; --i; )
*dest++ = (i > len) ? '0' : *src++;
*dest = '\0';
char **
degdms(pre, x)
int pre; /* precision */
double x;
/* Converts x degrees to 3 strings holding degrees, minutes, seconds. "pre"
specifies rounding and may be 0 - 4: 0 = nearest deg, 1 = nearest 10 min, 2
= 1 min, 3 = 10 sec, 4 = 1 sec. Domain of x (after rounding): -1000 < x <
10000. Returns pointer to dms[]. If pre was 1 or 2, s[] is garbage. Both
s[] & m[] are garbage if pre was 0. */
long int lx;
int sign;
static int mult[] = {1, 6, 60, 360, 3600};
static char
d[5], m[3], sec[3],
*dms[] = {d, m, sec};
if (x >= 0.)
sign = 1;
else {
sign = -1;
x = -x;
lx = (long) (x * mult[pre] + .5) * (((unsigned) pre & 1) ? 10 : 1);
switch (pre) {
case 4:
case 3:
ITOA(sec, (int) (lx % 60)); /* seconds */
lx /= 60;
case 2:
case 1:
ITOA(m, (int) (lx % 60)); /* minutes */
lx /= 60;
ITOA(d, (int) lx * sign); /* degrees */
return dms;
char *
long int jd; /* Julian Date, unit = days */
/* Converts jd to Gregorian calendar date. Good for both BC & AD for
practically any date one might want. More precisely, domain of jd is limited
by largest/smallest year an int can hold, as well as size of buffer[].
Returns pointer to year/month/day string, e.g., "1990 JAN 14". */
static char buffer[13]; /* space for -yyyy mmm dd */
struct month *calp; /* pointer into calendar */
int d, m, n;
int leap; /* flag; 1 = leap yr */
char *cp;
/* 1721425 = Julian Date @ 1 BC Dec 31 (Gregorian calendar), 12h UT.
365.2425 = days per year (over the 400 yr Gregorian cycle). */
n = (jd - 1721425) / 365.2425;
if (n >= 0)
/* n = estimated year. Correct the estimate to actual year. The
preceding formula can mistakenly yield an AD year from a BC jd, but
the reverse will never happen. Therefore, we need only guard against
n being DECREMENTED to 0 (which is an undefined year). */
while (1) {
d = jd - julday(n, 0, 0);
leap = leapyr(n); /* true if leap year */
if (d <= 365 + leap && d >= 1)
if (d < 1) {
if (n == 0)
--n; /* skip year 0 */
} else
ITOA(buffer, n); /* write the year */
cp = buffer + strlen(buffer);
*cp++ = ' ';
/* Determine month. Begin by moving forward thru the calendar a
month at a time (starting with Feb) till we overshoot */
calp = calndr; /* point to Jan */
m = 0; /* month counter; 0 = Jan */
do {
++calp; /* point to next month in calendar */
++m; /* month counter */
n = calp->difm;
if (m >= 2 && leap) /* March or later, & leap yr */
} while (d > n);
/* We've overshot by one month. Decrement calendar pointer "calp".
Month counter "m" has overshot too, so the "m >= 3" test actually
means "March or later". After subtracting days in full months, d =
day of month. */
d -= (--calp)->difm + (m >= 3 && leap);
/* write month & day */
strcpy(cp, calp->mname);
cp += 3;
*cp++ = ' ';
ITOA(cp, d);
return buffer;
long int
julday(y, m, d)
int y, m, d; /* year, month (Jan = 0), day */
/* Returns Julian Date (unit = days) corresponding to 12h UT on given date,
Gregorian calendar. Jan = month 0. Use -1 for 1 BC, etc. Any integer
is legal for d. */
int bc; /* flag; 1 = BC */
if (m > 1) /* after Feb */
d += leapyr(y); /* add 1 if leap yr */
if (y >= 0) {
bc = 0;
} else {
y = -(y + 1);
bc = 1;
return ((bc ? 366 : 0) + y*365L + y/4 - y/100 + y/400) *
(bc ? -1 : 1) + calndr[m].difm + d + 1721425;
/* 1721425 = Julian Date for 1 BC Dec 31 12h, Gregorian calendar */
int y;
/* Returns 1 if y is leap year in Gregorian calendar, 0 otherwise. To
signify BC year use a negative number, e.g., -1 for 1 BC. */
/* For leap year determination purposes, 1 BC = 0, 2 BC = -1, etc.
Therefore, we must make an adjustment to y if it's BC. */
if (y < 0)
return !(y%4) && y%100 || !(y%400);
char *
char *string;
/* Converts "string" to all upper case, returns "string". */
char *cp;
int i;
for (cp = string; i = *cp; ++cp)
if (isalpha(i))
*cp = toupper(i);
return string;
char *
double m; /* minutes */
/* Turns m into a string of format "hhmm:ss" (or "-hhmm:ss" if m is
negative), rounded to nearest second. Be sure that hours will not require
more than two digits. String will be padded with zeros to fill out all six
digits. Returns the string. */
static char buf[9];
char *cp, **cpp;
int minus; /* flag; 1 = negative */
cp = buf;
cpp = degdms(4, m / 60.);
if (m < 0.) {
*cp++ = '-';
minus = 1;
} else
minus = 0;
cpy0p(cp, cpp[0] + minus, 3);
cpy0p(cp + 2, cpp[1], 3);
cp[4] = ':';
cpy0p(cp + 5, cpp[2], 3);
return buf;
struct jdtim *t;
/* Converts command line arguments (pointed to by global "tokp") into Julian
Date & minutes. NO conversion to UTC occurs! tokp[0] thru [3] = {year,
month, day, time}. Month must be first 3 letters of name. Year, month, or
day may be omitted if the arguments to its left are also omitted. On exit,
tokp will point to the time argument. Returns JD & minutes in struct "t". */
static int date[3]; /* default year, month (Jan = 0), day */
struct month *calp; /* pointer into calendar */
int m, n;
char *cp, **cpp;
/* Set n to # of date arguments. Can be 0 - 3. */
/* point cpp to next arg beginning with a letter, or end of cmd line,
whichever comes first */
for (cpp = tokp; (cp = *cpp) && !isalpha(*cp); ++cpp)
if (cp == NULL) /* reached end of command line */
n = cpp - tokp - 1;
else { /* is cp[] a month name? */
for (calp = calndr + 11, m = 11; m >= 0 &&
strcmp(cp, calp->mname); --calp, --m)
; /* look for cp[] in calendar */
/* if m >= 0 it's a month name, otherwise it's next cmd */
n = cpp - tokp + ((m >= 0) ? 2 : -1);
} if (n > 3 || n < 0) {
printf("BAD %s DATE\n", *(tokp - 1));
LONGJMP(reset, 1);
/* if year, month, or day were given, set them as new defaults */
switch (n) {
case 3:
date[0] = atoi(*tokp++); /* year */
case 2:
date[1] = m; /* month */
case 1:
date[2] = atoi(*tokp++); /* day */
if (date[0] == 0) { /* year = 0, i.e., full date not given yet */
printf("DATE HAS NOT BEEN SET\n");
LONGJMP(reset, 1);
/* compute Julian Date & time of day */
t->jd = julday(date[0], date[1], date[2]);
t->time = atomin(*tokp);
/* Same as tokjum() except returns epoch expressed as minutes instead of
Julian Date & minutes, and the time zone is Greenwich. */
struct jdtim t;
return t.jd * xmnpda - 720. + t.time - tzone;
= 11; m >= 0 &&
strcmp(cp, cal